The company was created by Willy Wallace and his wife E Ines Wallace, both physical therapists, servicing the area since 1999. They decided to create Addax Home Health LLC with the vision to provide the best possible care, delivering care as the company priority, maintaining a friendly, enjoyable, respectful and educational work environment.
Willy, bilingual (English/Spanish), professional experience includes acute care Hospital, outpatient physical therapy, pediatric respiratory and burns physical therapy, home health physical therapy, sports medice physical therapy, skilled nursing physical therapy, wound care physical therapy, physical therapist clinical director of 13 rehab facilities (Texas and new Mexico), covid 19 physical therapy team member during pandemic crisis, first responder for 10 months, dedicated to post surgical orthopedic patients for the last 22 years.
Ines, bilingual (english/spanish), with 33 years of professional experience in home health, skilled nursing facilities and outpatient rehabilitation.
Since 2015 home health professional practice has been focused on quality improvement/assurance related operational procedures including ongoing education of therapy staff for legal compliance and high-quality standards as well as resolving deficiencies when needed.
Charity is originally from Palestine, Texas; however, her family moved to Lee County in 1989, where she has lived ever since. She has worked in the home health field since 2009.
After working in a home health office for several years, she decided to start nursing school. She graduated from Florida Southwestern State College in 2017 as a registered nurse. After graduation, she began as a field RN and quickly advanced into nursing management roles, and eventually into her position as a director of nursing.
Lwena is a bilingual (English/Spanish) registered nurse, graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in 2001 from Superior Institute Of Medical Sciences of the Havana, Cuba. Lwena also graduated as a Family Medicine Specialist from the same University in 2005.
Lwena relocated to USA in 2009 to start her career in Home Health working first as a field Registered Nurse and later as a clinical manager, Director of Nursing, and Billing & Coding specialist.
Lwena is currently enjoying her position as administrator at ADDAX Home Health in Fort Myers, Florida, where she has been able to combine her expertise in Home Health management and excellence in patient care.
(239) 313-7268 – fax: (239)728-2830 – [email protected]
3820 Colonial Blvd, STE 103 Fort Myers, FL 33966-1094
(239) 313-7268
fax: (239)728-2830
[email protected]
3820 Colonial Blvd, STE 103
Fort Myers, FL 33966-1094